Mental Health specialists Christiaan Bramblebee and Alexandra McLeod, NOW working out of The Feel Good Hood in Room 2 upstairs.

Root Cause Therapy (RCT) works by tapping into the subconscious mind to uncover, and release, limiting beliefs created in moments of life-trauma. Once a limiting belief is released from the past, every moment following that, where the belief was repeated, is changed forever as the perspective is shifted.  This fosters profound personal transformation within a very limited number of sessions. 

For example, you may come to us to heal your work stress which has now started to affect your health, your relationships, and your motivation. The initial RCT session testing reveals your unconscious beliefs include ‘I need approval’ and ‘I fear rejection’. Both are being triggered due to your neutral boss who never offers feedback on your work. During this session, you are led through trance to view your past and see where this started.  You remember when you were 10 years old and your best friend suddenly started ignoring you. You feel the rejection, you remember telling yourself ‘from now on I will always make sure people like me’. You can see how you created this belief to protect yourself from potential hurt. Your RCT therapist will guide you safely to release this belief system so you no longer need approval, or fear rejection. You create a new understanding that you accept yourself and the work stress is released. With this old belief gone, you are then able to see your work situation from a new perspective, making a clear decision on how to move forward.